Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why Do I Get Abdominal Pains During Flights

Geopolitical "Rasputinizatsiya" Tyumen and Moscow or "Who lifts up the hem of the nation?», 2-7

© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistyakova
January 30 - 6 February 2011, St. Petersburg

Full text illustrated by reference http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=17 & ; PubID = 537

Part first http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=534

.... Sagacious all in 90-ies was Alexander Obolensky - the former Party chairman SDPR - Social Democratic Pariah Russia (History SDPR » http://sdpr4.narod.ru/istsdp.htm ). SDPR already in 1993 warned of possible implications introduction economic ideas ; Gaidar for Russia, and Obolensky not support the candidacy of Yeltsin.

.... Probably Yeltsin like linguistic harmony.

Yeltsin and Elston.

Elston - it from full name graph Sumarokov-Elston.

and passion tennis, it seems, emerged not without romance following fact.

Count Michael N. Sumarokov-Elston was the Summer Olympics 1912 and 8 - fold Champion of Russia. In Petersburg held even annual championship tennis «Memorial graph, MN Sumarokov- Elston ».

from here and tennis Yekaterinburg.

President Federation tennis in Tyumen region, by the way, is Sergei Smetanyuk, «supervisor» project on Reconstruction spiritual center in Verkhoturye. He is playing tennis since the early 90's.

And when in Tyumen elected governor Sergei Sobyanin, he too has joined a tennis racquet . Perhaps to add to analogy with Yeltsin.

Although, while not clear and positioning Boris Yeltsin. He atone for sins before Romanovs, feeling himself descendant Elston?

Or he felt Romanov?

Either it was like a two-faced Janus - «Images - antipodes» for a different electorate?

Count M.N.Nikolaevich-Elston - cousin brother Felix Yusupov-graph Sumarokov - Elston, killed Grigory Rasputin.

Felix Yusupov was friendly with Great Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna, and they even pilgrimage with her to Solovki, where Felix and bought Polar Bear, who was later transported to a separate car. Princess long laughed, revealing a purchase. I also remember this story when I read about it.

Mother Felix Yusupov - woman rare beauty and richness of Countess Zinaida Sumarokov - Elston personally went to Empress Alexandra II Feodorovna and asked her to listen to "on about Rasputin." Empress refused. Despite the reluctance of the Empress listen, Countess Sumarokov Elston said it still said that, that she came present. More countess in the royal house did not take. But in contrast to the Empress, has chosen position "I can not hear», Countess Sumarokov - Elston lived a long life in France .

Tried to explain Empress are «miracle Rasputin" and "Princess Montenegrin», well knowing Persian mystic, but and also after not too privechali at court, despite the family.

Nu and nakonets, neodnokratno warning imperatritsu rodnaya sister the Great Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna Romanov. However Empress wanted to believe in myth of its God's chosen people, and she it believed up to the shooting.

Ignatius Brianchaninov mentions in his books of a similar conceit, when certain ascetic decided that he already reached to the level «who was walking on Water Christ " and walked on thin ice the island of Valaam. The final was not less sad than that of the Empress.

There More one study of Verhoturie Valeria Karsakova , supplementing provided above picture. It called « Poshekhonov и Верхотурье – невидимая связь»    http://olegu.narod.ru/pos_verh.html

             Новая   деталь   в этом исследовании a:

« From letters it is clear that black pop Jonah God gave a promise - to build a monastery in Verkhoturye .. votive Nicholas Monastery was eventually the spiritual center of the Urals ... In the biography of St. Adrian Poshehonskiy also referred to Holy Trinity Ionin desert ... Founded the elder Jonas, nicknamed "Poshehonets. He later became the founder of St. Nicholas Monastery in Verkhoturye. Blessed Jonah was a contemporary of St. Adrian Poshehonskiy.

MonkMartyr Adrian Poshehonskiy called in this story, Poshekhonov came to the monastery of Cornelius Komelskogo. Well remember name this monastery, because his description in his time published Voyeikov Ivan G. (in monasticism Juvenal), which aroused dissatisfaction Emperor Paul I . same discontent caused work Juvenal (Voejkova) over pedigree Saburovy and Velyaminov.

These fears Paul I become understandable, if account the fact that and Saburovy, and Sonya, and Godunov were descendants Murza Chet. After it comes to relatives king Boris Godunov .

Moreover, the founder of Cyril Belozersky monastery, also a descendant of Murza Chet. Reverend Kirill Belozersky up to his vows in the world, called: Kozma T. Velyaminov (grain), and belonged to the noble family Velyaminovichey. In 1390 he became rector of Simonov Monastery. However, dreaming about retirement, he prayed the Mother of God ... During the prayers Pure appeared to him and said: "Come on Beloozero.

turns out that named Murza Chet related not only Ipatyevsky monastery in Kostroma, but and Cyril Belozersky monastery.

A reasonable question, then: Why Virgin is unbaptized Tatar Murza couple? What same it was for Murza Thu, this mysterious?

According to researchers, Chet considered native of Tatar Horde, mother who was polonennaya Slav. There is version that that his father, and mother Murza Chet were royal descent. But in this version serious opposition. Can suggest that reason this opposition - in strange reaction Paul I on published Juvenal genealogy Saburovy and Velyaminovichey.

Anyway, named Murza Chet - Hypatius founder of the monastery, it was easier to develop the former Tatar Horde. This without doubt.

not casually assumed that Saburovy traditionally controlled Kazan. Well and Godunovs - Verhoturie with Surgut.

And as see in Siberia it influence Hypatius and Belozersky Monastery, and Pechersk Lavra.

This in Kostroma, and Pskov was phenomenon Heavenly Virgin. Virgin indicated place and for Cyril Belozersky monastery.

Ie it Theotokos Way.

Moreover, the first territory arrived «Knight» Mother of God - Nicola Miracle Worker. Then «arrived" and itself Sofia Wisdom of God, day which coincides with the day of creation Tyumen diocese.

.... That is much agreed on Verkhoturye. Rasputin took this «much" and went with him to city of Petra.

Although all began, I recall, with vow Jonah Poshehontsa. And this vow I am so seen, should become theme separate study.

             Есть и другие «странности», связанные с   Пошехоньем.

             first Journal Yaroslavl province called «Secluded Poshehonets. Why privacy? And why Priority would be given Poshekhonov on the river Sheksna?

This decision was taken Yaroslavl, Vologda and Novorossiysk Governor AP Melgunov - known Mason, first, conducted archaeological excavations of Scythian burial mounds on the Dnieper. Man Melgunov was very enlightened. And if he chose Poshekhonov, therefore, this was some compelling reason. And AP Melgunov was governor of Yaroslavl just at those times when a question    о старообрядцах активно   работала Екатерина   II .

                    С моей точки view Discussed «Melgunovskoe Freemasonry and was reason, that today Yaroslavl region «was chosen» as a launching pad for those trying be his follower. Either - trying «to build on its foundation." can not rule out that name AP Melgunov just hide behind.

Poshekhonov, interestingly,     место   рождения       А.Н Яковлева   - «автора»    Перестройки -_ I      ( «Ярославовы и мистическая Line "Andropov, Gorbachev's" Perestroika - 2 » http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=383 ). Already not one of those if he Yakovlev, with one of which Ignatius Brianchaninov - confessor Alexandra I Feodorovna met at the St. Cyril Belozersky monastery, then took PP Yakovlev with a in Sergius Hermitage of St. Petersburg. And not from whether Rural Yakovlevskoye (Iakovlevskoe, from St. James the Apostle) near Kostroma, which Michael Saburov - father ancestors princes Yaroslav given as contribution in Ipatyevsky monastery?    («Ипатьевский монастырь Сабуровых и Годуновых» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=510 )…

  Третий     занимательный    story concerning Poshekhonov described in article: «with the province to the capital (based on Russian fairy tales about poshehontsah)" MM Shakhnovich

«Fairy fools jokes are very popular with many nations around the world. Often the heroes of these tales are residents any specific, real-life places: villages, cities or provinces. Bulgarians - gabrovtsy, Germans - shildbyurgery .... In Russian - It poshehontsy ...

«About Poshehontsev entire book is composed: and they Sleporid, and in broad daylight lost, seven miles saw a mosquito, a gnat they sat on his nose "... In 1798, in St. Petersburg was printed book ..." Jokes ancient poshehontsev. Composition Vasily Berezayskogo. She of once famed for the white light proidoshah Poshehontsah .... Among them are stories about how poshehontsy met in his new town governor, as they climbed to the belfry to see Moscow and its forty-forties with golden onion-domed, both went to Moscow as confused legs ... These stories are similar on other peoples jokes about a simpleton, describe poshehontsev as fools who commit seemingly absurd acts. But there are also "on Yaroslavl, that "pud plagued soap, and a birthmark in the sisters swept away," about people of Pskov, which "sticks propped up the sky, about Ryazanians that" a bag of sun ловили» и т.д.»

             Главный    же   вывод в   статье о пошехонцах    следующий:   «in these anecdotes poshehontsam, as well as other similar characters, peculiar to the literal understanding of things and the illogic of Action (nonlogical reasoning and actions).


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