Thursday, February 3, 2011

Capillariescocaine Use?

geopolitical "Rasputinizatsiya" Tyumen and Moscow or - Who are the "lifts up the hem of the nation"? Part 3

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© Наталья Ярославова-Чистякова
January 30 -1 February 2011, St. Petersburg

A here confessor second Russian Alexandra II Feodorovna - wife of Nicholas II was known throughout planet - Gregory Rasputin.

Given the quotations of fame and of «feat stop be feat after about be known », nature popularity Rasputin understandable.

It this worldly glory Rasputin attracts the attention of politicians, are being pushed to find such popularity themselves procedures plebestsitnoy democracy, especially if they realized in ; «barbaric country or a country where deliberately reduced educational level of the population.

Rasputin was fast на контакты      с «женской   душой».   Он    мог   поднять подол        даме и быстро объяснить   ей, where have her «soul and God."

«Village Indian» it did not respond. They of Rasputin each Village Festival and zeal - are countless.

But aristocrats, fastest way «to God», happened, that becomes interesting.

How often do policy, like Rasputin, build their election   компании,    обращаясь    к той   части        человеческого   естества, к   той «душе»   народа, which is under this "skirt"!

Let me draw your attention, so no at Sobchak, Yeltsin and Shafranik. They without money collected millions just only one call of to Freedom Spirit, and they believed.

But strange geopolitical «Rasputinizatsiya» happening now.

So again have to go to Eduard Radzinsky, on the cover of the book which - Rasputin » withdrawn such words:

«And again haunt still the same night - Final stories three hundred years of the empire. And once again falls flat on his back king, and the two girls are standing on his knees against the wall, closing hands of bullets, and the Commandant Yurovsky runs into a powder smoke dostrelit ; ползающего по полу мальчика ... Только теперь в этом дыму я вижу ещё и бородатого мужика, which much done to happened that basement! And who knew he was going to happen! »

Ignorance always manages Loudly: thunder, explosion, squeak, squeal gossip, rumors .... Therefore, the results of this «spiritual" mentor Rasputin - Empress Alexandra Feodorovna was hard not to hear. They noise and St. Petersburg and Moscow. The hierarchy of power, shaking the whole of Europe, before the "Russian scaffold 17-year, as we know, was as follows: Rasputin influenced the Empress, which suppressed his wife will Nicholas.

people hated and Rasputin, and "Queen of German woman, throwing area obscene caricatures of their expense, and Nicholas II fell naive illusions about direct merger king with people through "national Rasputin» and imbued with the idea Rasputin about exception bureaucracy of these relations «king of the people."

not nourish whether such illusions now Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev on Project electronic office?

Does it well - Rasputin monopoly on «entrance to the Queen" or monopoly on the electronic outsourcing, in which too many - «from evil."

This monopoly    кстати,     и погубила   Распутина. Вокруг      созданного им,   «Одного   окна»    на передачу   «notes - petitions» emerged already a "unit" of faithful partner and Jews as E. Radzinsky writes. began trading "staff positions", have the money. And the money - moral fall

Rasputin himself sometimes bitterly cry from this, or did pretend that mourns the loss of his ruined ; soul.

He is already clear, professed «peasant Orthodoxy," which sometimes called "folk ; orthodoxy. " We can say and «domestic orthodoxy." He was not monk and feared forced vows. In this double coming under investigation of sectarianism and Khlystyism.

However, all of Besides wondrous coincidentally, Grigory Rasputin , as Ignatius, Brianchaninov, ; born in village Pokrovskoye. But it Pokrovskoye - Tyumen province. Again, coincidentally, it was near from Talitsky tract. do not exclude that. Pokrovskoye in the Tyumen province and named in honor of Vologda Pokrovsky. So often happened.

Topics more, back in 1611 . "Siberian governor wrote to the Archbishop of Vologda Sylvester that

" in Tobolsk, and in all Siberian cities many parish churches of priests and then not stand without the singing, many people without priests, dying, without the Eucharist, and the infants without baptism, and many churches have set again, and stand neosvyascheny ... "(" History of the Russian Church », Makarov).

In connection with these appeals governor was created Tyumen Diocese of what happened through 16 years after base in 1604 Verkhotursk Nicholas monastery. First church - wooden temple monastery was consecrated in the name of the Holy. Nicholas with a chapel of St.. Martyrs Boris and Gleb:.

« Already by 1605 with the Jonas brothers have completed the construction of wooden monastery church. Granted by the Emperor of supplies on it was enough only for the roof of the church have taken loans from the magistrates Pleshcheeva 400 surf nails. The temple was consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas, a chapel - in the name of St.. Martyrs Boris and Gleb » Verhoturtsy, black pop Jonah and King Boris Godunov »).

I will say at once that chapels Boris and Gleb , just as monasteries Boris and Gleb, just did not arise.

This I realized when studied history St. Boris and Gleb County Yaroslavl province and Borisoglebsk Murom monastery, more ancient than Trinity-Sergius Lavra («Yaroslavna - Yaroslav and Romanovna - Romanovs» http:/ / ).

Boris and Gleb mentioned, almost always there, where had at least one descendant royal dynasty, unlawfully deprived power, in time, killed princes Boris and Gleb, and - princes Uglich, buried in the church itself Dmitry Prilutsky ; Vologda province, where parents begged birth the future of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov - confessor first Empress Alexandra Feodorovna . third dumping this church Dmitry Prilutsky - was grave AN Yaroslav - Vologda provincial marshal of nobility - the son of NA Jaroslavova and AN Aksakova, daughter of the governor of the Yaroslavl («« Genealogy Nikolay A. Yaroslav » http://www.yaroslavova .ru / main.mhtml? Part = 16 & PubID = 492 ), because I and I know this story.

first and rhiepiskopom Siberian and Tobolsk with September 8, 1620 became Cyprian (Starorusennikov) , arrived from Novgorod.

itself Tobolsk and Tyumen diocese, as already clear, was created September 8 1620 and was first Orthodox diocese in Siberia. Diocese united parishes and monasteries on the territory of the Tyumen region from Khanty-Mansiysk and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts.

Otherwise this region now called "Region 1972» ( «Prophecy of Russia, the name of the ruler and the Region 72:
Dynasty 33 RA reborn in Dynasty 72 RA » )

Can not not pay attention the date - September 8, very important for Novgorod, many centuries marching into battle with     словами    «Умрем честно   за Святую Софию»!

  Писала      об этой      дате в главе   "Natalia, Adrian and Vladimir: September 8» of "Soothe My Sorrows, Natalie:" pilgrimage of his own life » = 15 & PubID = 479 # sectio .

Date 8 sentyabrya svyazana with Dato 8 iyunya how date zachatiya and date of birth that considered very important in sophiology symbolists.

It is no coincidence, Verhoturie patron All the same Sergei Smetanyuk, born 8 June, in the days of the Trinity and the Holy Spirit depicted a dove place his birth, have caves Anthony Crypt and lock "White Swans".

Previously, these days are called days of Seaville. ( «In Verhoturie created pilgrimage and tourist - recreational area» ).

place of his birth explains a lot. In particular then, why fate brought me for cooperation with in Tyumen region.

Two months studying this region Mezhbezha and only now realized that his representatives oil capital raised. Incidentally, successfully   («8 июня 1962 года, Восьмой и «сверхпроводимость» )

              Правда     through 8 June, as claim astrologers, is also the karmic axis Yusupov ( «Dmitry Medvedev has delayed Давос … Или - Чьи «кармические часы» останавливает Время?» )

А   Феликс      Юсупов,       as known, stopped Rasputin when already sobeseduya one of candidates ministers «peasant Rasputin said (was right!)" Russia I have in my hand ... "(E. Radzinsky, Rasputin»)

symbolic also and what only Natalia, Adrian and Vladimir, born near the village of St. Nicholas Berezivka, where was icon Nikola Zakamskaya, «manifested» then in Verhoturie, simultaneously designated and Tyumen modern reality. .... It seems, us all road in Petersburg ..

I a path paved .. And Adrian Vladimir watching region. not exclude that Yakushev not mind become Governor near the former Yarov, and now the Baltic Sea. Let's see ...

And in St. Petersburg, attention was paid, road not for Grishka Rasputin went to bed. This Grishka walked explored them in Verkhoturye ways .. A may in land ancestors back.

After road in the land of their ancestors and have a of most important roads life.

Ancestors same Gregory were from the very White Lake, near which born Ignatius Brianchaninov ( «Kirillov-Belozerye and Yaroslav: port 5 of the seas, monasteries Zavolzhsky старцев» и «опальных княгинь России» ).  


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