Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frank S Special Cleaner

geopolitical "Rasputinizatsiya" Tyumen and Moscow or - who "lifts up the hem of the nation"? P.2

view from the tower «Magdala» ... P.1.

© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistyakova
January 30 -1 February 2011, St. Petersburg

Name one, out that I have mentioned two clergy, known, mainly aristocracy and clergy - it St. Ignatius Brianchaninov of ancient kind of nobility Bryanchaninovs Rural Pokrovskoye, River Talitsa, Vologda province, near from White Lake, about whom said that he - with God "from his mother's womb." Father Brianchaninov was close to Catherine II and Paul I . With his wife he had long waited firstborn and Finally, begged his in church Dmitry Prilutsky where buried illegally deprived of the power Uglich princes, one of which monasticism had name Ignatius. value this church well known foreign Orthodoxy and church Dmitry Prilutsky was first paragraph pilgrimage Archbishop Laurus of Syracuse and Holy Trinity (ROCOR) in Russia in the summer of 2001.

Ignatius Brianchaninov known as Abbot aristocratic Sergiyevskaya Desert Petersburg and confessor Alexandra I Feodorovna, which her husband Nicholas I , created a cult of the White Ladies », built Notre - Dame» in ; Peterhof, and gave patronage Castle «White Swan» in Medzhybozh - the world center of Hasidic pilgrimage ( «Chapel of Alexander Nevsky and St. Sergius Hermitage: priests and the knights of the Russian Czarina in St. Petersburg » ).

Ignatius Brianchaninov adhered to the Charter of the Sava lit Kiev Lavra and traditions Fedosy Crypt - student Anthony Caves, the founder Kiev-Pechersk monastery (Rev. Fedosy Caves » http : / / www . i - u . ru / biblio / archive / fedotov _ svjatie / 01. aspx ).

Anthony Caves less known, but more is great. This confirms the following fact « Antony, when his began going to take, left her in the care delivered to them Abbot Barlaam and shut in a secluded cave, where he resided until his death. He did not Abbot was a mentor and brethren, except for the very first alien .... "

point that in the writings of Ignatius Brianchaninov explains that, according to the Egyptian monastery », have three way" monastic residence " . First - a hermit. Second - silence with one or two ascetics ("Royal Way"). third - hostel. In full solitude and silence can go only gradually rising on tower spirituality and reached the highest level grace:

«Full silence retain only those, who ; from the set Grace were in constant Horror ... Perfection silence - there is silence about all ... So silent Великий Варсонофий, имевший дар Чудес ...

Молчание же человека Страстного very suspiciously in quackery. "

silent same in politics - particularly dangerous. This is me on my own.

Great Teachers East warn « A particularly afraid of those who did not speak ..". It is of newly arrived in monastic community, because they make only the first steps spiritual growth, and can not have the same причину молчания, какая была у Антония ... Причина эта называется - Ужас ... ».

It so the monks is a ban on 4 th way - «Solitude in the cell if you are not the Holy .... " Only Perfect can live alone ... if he saw the divine light and purified from the passions.

And there is only one exception on the planet!

This Maria Egypt, which immediately from the worldly life moved to Pustynnozhitelstvu!

As for men, a passion for privacy may raskormitsya: «Peschernikam that enraged pigs have mouth and not people ... terrible sight: fasting, hermit, recluse, old man, gives in to anger into a frenzy ... "- well said Brianchaninov.

How see, Passion and Elder - incompatible things.

Already only on this ground, can be argued that Rasputin any elder, course, was not.

the unique way that was Maria Egypt, he certainly, not pass smog.

Besides this way requires solitude and monastic life, and Rasputin led stormy «secular life» and feared that it ever will be in Pokrovskoe.

Fedosy Caves was more known to posterity than Anthony Caves, despite out that Anthony, judging the image of his life, rejection of mentoring and communication with the world, reached transcendental spiritual peaks.

give modern analogues. We know Dalai Lama , but do not know the names of it Teachers, to whom he worships, and whom mentions in his book.

Just   его Учителя, так же   как     и Антоний   Печерский     - они    уже      «В Славе».  

В той most «forgotten» glory which I not so long ago devoting article : « RUSSIA: In Search of Lost GLORY of the Russian people-the church! »

Anthony of the Caves and equal to him Holy do not need worldly glory that is popular. They take in mentoring units, and those already, as Fedosy Caves, further popularize it knowledge.

«Fathers Skete ancient Egyptian not already thought of the feat feat, about which learned men ...

Great St. Fathers very cared to not only exploits but also the most sacred wonders were covered unknown »

Here are were spiritual views Ignatius Brianchaninov.

And as see, Confessor Empress Alexandra I ; Feodorovna passed many known monastery had many mentors known elders school Paisija Velichkovsky and Paisija Yaroslav. itself his name in the tonsure - Ignatius, was given to him after Ignatius bearing nation Antiohiyskogo - student Joanna Theologian.

Probably, not without influence Egnatia Bryanchaninova Empress Alexandra Feodorovna to rebuild Castle «White Swan» in Medzhybozh - City Between the Gods, on confluence Bug and Idol. far from these places are: and cave and source Anthony Caves.

This Podol'e was last paragraph pilgrimage Archbishop Laurus of Syracuse and Holy Trinity (ROCOR) in Russia in the summer of 2001. History is that, where he was Laurus after church Dmitry Prilutsky before arrived in Podolia, told below .

Let me draw your attention to just what Archbishop Laurus interested cave church, ie, Church in such caves, in which he lived, for example, Anthony of the Caves, or monks of the Pskov-Pechersk Lavra . Pechersk Lavra - это второй   «забытый»   удел     «Лебеди»   -    Божией   Матери   после Меджибож.     

Here in this most the vicinity of the castle "White Swan" and source Anthony of the Caves Born Sergei Smetanyuk - ex-mayor and former head of the Duma of the Tyumen, received in oil capital the name "Orthodox politician." Not surprisingly, taking into account the place of his birth Vinnytsia region and place study - Nemiroff.

On this source Anthony I saw the sign «Anchors with Cross", like fact what I saw in the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome, where depicted dove, two such same Anchors and ; tree. Another drawing on stone these catacombs - two fish.

I read through this symbolism as follows: «Голубь   Святого духа»    летит    «как на радар»     в эту   «Неподвижную Якорную область».   А     immobility us where «symbolic axis of rotation. When people can not create it rotation force Reflections, then know that "the Holy Spirit " descends "to the axis, starting rotate physically, around its own axis in the dance.

Once I was conversation with man who needed exclusive opinion. I replied that I needed inspiration to put it on paper in such a short time. Then he jokingly suggested: "Have wine and write." I smiled. Never in my life not practiced. When I need inspiration, I in the intervals between cabinet analytics dance, including, and rotation. To me it was - from birth. And I do not deny the rotation.

Even interview Lady politics with the scent by Dior, or revelation Natalia Chistyakova » , this India attended ...

However no dance with rotation, including in Indian variations, not lead to the desired spiritual result. To do this, Thinking. And - the first steps with a mentor ... But that Rasputin was denied.

I think he just saw Zeal with dancing in the rotation, suffered the effect of rotation and mechanically copied him.

This «nor sleep, nor spirit" did not know what behind the same symbolism armature cross in Caves caves Bug and in the catacombs of Rome.

intentionally led this fact, indicating the link Roman catacombs and caves Anthony of the Caves. Because all it then moved to Tyumen region. And there was certainly the effect «loss spiritual knowledge" As a "blank phone."

Spiritual knowledge - it «Rider" for Jari. If it lost then born rage and anger. And anger - cruelty. Even if anger does not manifest itself in the face, and manifested only in eyes and in action, it is very bad sign. Actions and the eyes of politicians important read.

Therefore Ignatius Brianchaninov very clearly subdivided External feat and Internal feat. Most part of the population familiar with External doing or External feat: fasting, rituals, vocal prayer and etc. But this monks and elders give priority to the Internal feat - Clever making, Heart and Mental prayer.

«... Brianchaninov was sure that сословное   происхождение   кладет    свой типичный   отпечаток   на духовную природу личности….Одни личности,   целостные, retain their Class differences in all positions life. Others are losing them to a greater or lesser degree, being raised in different environment of the society, they are smoothed environment and because they easier szhivayutsya with it ... " ;.

If look Life most famous saints, almost all of them have mention that Holy was of royal family. Later - similar references pay attention that elder was nobleman, as example, if with Simeon Verkhotursk, the relics by Grigori Rasputin ; requested forces and assistance for a successful trip to royal throne.

To be continued


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