Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Do I Get New Titles In Cod6 Like Voyeur

geopolitical "Rasputinizatsiya" Tyumen and Moscow or "Who lifts hem of the nation? », 2-6

© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistyakova
30 January - 6 February 2011, St. Petersburg

Full text illustrated by reference http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=17&PubID=537

Part first http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=534

.... «In July 1914, pilgrimage to holy places Verkhoturye made the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna - now святая преподобномученица…». (« Верхотурье» http://perm.psu.ru/school136/project/verhoture/mm.htm )

              Однако    в these same most July days 1914 Elizabeth F. with her sister princess Battembergskoy Victoria arrived at St. Nicholas Beryozovka on place phenomenon icon of St. Nicholas-Zakamskaya. About this tells article: « patronage of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna with. Nicholas-Berezivka » http://www.eparhia-ufa.ru/?/hist/nikber/elf .

«Elizabeth Feodorovna visited Ufa diocese in 1914, on the eve of World War I. July 8 Episcopal service at a convent, at the big gathering people, was the Divine Liturgy and prayers ... At the end of the evening service she left the dock ... From Verkhoturye sent a telegram to Abbess Mary ... Another telegram of Verkhoturye received Lord. telegram was dated July 17, 1914: "Ufa. Bishop Andrew. In referring to unforeseen circumstances, we can not, unfortunately, to call in Ufa, tomorrow we leave for Perm and Kama back ... I hope with God's help, especially come to Ufa on one of the missionary convention. Elisabeth ".

How see, Verhoturie, through which Orthodoxy arrived in Tyumen province, and village of St. Nicholas Berezivka as first outpost Orthodoxy the river Kama, directly related the same way - Bereza miraculous icon Nikola-Zakamskaya.

And Cacoj th reason the Great Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova relative of the Prussian princesses arrived second times pilgrimage already with his sister, ; traveled after for this icon.

Great Princess and died near from Verkhoturye ... And if you believe: «C Hypatius (monastery) started and Ipatyevsky (home) finished ", what, in this case, binds Verhoturie ; with Ipatyevsky monastery?

Ie whether symbolic place of death Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna, buried later in Palestine, in the Church of Mary Magdalene?

While I see such communication.

Alapaevsk where died Elizabeth F., is near Nevyansk - spiritual center Believers in the Urals. During persecution Believers he opposed Tobolsk, as the center of the official church.

In currently in a museum "Nevyansk icon, created based assembly Eugene Roizman. Features iconography Nevyanskiy Old Believer icons collected Royzmanom, open secrets occupation of these territories.

Researchers "Nevyanskiy School of iconography, in particular, believe « main Nevyanskiy for schools were not Stroganoff tradition, and those who have been ... development at the end of XVII - XVIII in the first half. in Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky, Kostroma. About this wrote Golynets GV in his article «Nevyansk icon: Traditions of Old Russia and the context of the New Age»

Another important conclusion author of the cited article: «Ural icon-painters, no doubt, friends ..., for example," Nyunbergskoy German Bible ", or publications such as six-volume" Augsburskoy golden thread ". European influence on Nevyanskiy iconography during its evolution contributed and the relationship between the centers "of old piety, part of which was on the Catholic lands in Poland, the Baltics, Romania. Conductors European tastes have been living next to Kerzhakov "natives of the Ukraine (" Ukrainians ")»

Ie we are talking about the natives with traditional territory of Magdeburg law and from North Thebaid (Northern Thebes). from land in the vicinity Cyril Belozersky Monastery, Ferapontov Monastery, Goritsky and Saviour Stone monasteries. as well as from Kemskogo jail Solovetsky monastery in Karelia Pomerania and centers Old Believers Karel Olonets province.

So way, history itself Nevyanskiy icons affirms my earlier conclusions that two «forgotten" border inheritance God mother Medzhybozh and the Baltic had «synchronous ancient ; knowledge " network Belozerskikh monasteries (« White Russia:" The Order of the Swan "city" between the Gods "and a place of pilgrimage throughout the Hasidic world (p.4)" http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=522 )

Previously I always wondered why Roizman shows more interest to Orthodox icons than the Russian. Attributes this to the pores, to his commercial instinct and besides, these icon allow him to enter into a elite circle .

Now I understand that is not the case. And «Jew Roizman in Nevyansk - a phenomenon that same number as the World Center pilgrimages Hasidic on Bug in city Between Gods, far from which was born «crest Sergei Smetanyuk, patronized Nicholas monastery in Verkhoturye.

And when Сергей   Есенин       писал   :

«Затерялась   Русь   в Морде   и   Чуди…» - он говорил     it about this phenomenon when Russian Old Believers and Believers of Baltic and Western Territories Tsarist Russia went and hid in Siberia.

Following for Russian here for Kama arrived and part Finnish-speaking peoples - and Karel Zyryan Komi, Komi-Permyak that too were committed to "Old faith" and subjected to state persecution.

Ie Finno-Ugric peoples were, in this case, led by Russian and moved after them as for , a kind, religious leaders.

At the same time they moved into the territory Mordvinians and Tschudi.

In this case, understandable nature ; issues, that arise Evgeny Roizman to Sergei Sobyanin. Since namely Yevgeny Roizman is a connoisseur traditions Old Believers.        А   Сергей    Собянин    тоже позиционирует себя    выходцем из рода   старообрядцев – беспоповцев   часовенного согласия («стариковцы» и «кержаки»).


              Понятно, chto not vsled for taynami shamanov and wonder syuda priezzhala the Great Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova. A TEN that went to example, after "Nyunbergskoy German Bible" ( «Bavarian Swans Hohenzollern and the White Eagles Tsarevich George » http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=17&PubID=413 ).

Also of St. Catherine Sinai.

For most impressive building in Magdeburg is Protestant Cathedral of the Holy Catherine and Maurice ...

However and in the village Berezivka on the Kama River, which was marked by Jonah Poshehonets, the first temple originally ; called «Temple Holy Trinity, St. Nicholas and St.. Catherine. " And Elizabeth F. came here for pilgrimage July 22, new style, and this - the day of Mary Magdalene, while the day when I was a massacre in the fortress of Montsegur which saved the Grail. («Upturned пятиконечные звезды Франции и России, как знаки «особого рода Божией матери» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=507 ).

             Ie if you dot the "i", then it Catherine I and Catherine II in Orthodoxy, the name given ; in honor of St. Catherine of Sinai, and not vice versa. Therefore Ekaterinburg, by and large, same city St. Catherine

And obtained, in Verkhoturye Jonah Poshehonets arrived with Zakamskaya Berezovsky way Nikola Miracle Worker yavivshimsya at the place where was founded temple «Holy Trinity, St. Nicholas and St. . Catherine. "

This image is called Berezovsky, because the icon appeared in Bereza. And I remember as a child when temple has not yet been restored , on top bell devoid crosses sprouted big Birch. When same Temple restored, it retained inscription "Boris and Ivan, left by my father Yaroslavovo Boris and Ivan Тетеревым – мужем     его   родной   сестры   Маргариты Ярославовой.

              У кельтов Birch known as a tree, stripped evil spirits. Birch - this tree is beginning. Birch dissolved first (the first of April in England, that is, at the beginning of the fiscal year). ... «Beth" or the "Beith" - a month birch. "Babel" means the letter B (Beth), and then, that birch - its tree and "on birch bark was made first in the Irish ogham inscription, that is seven. birch twigs are used throughout Europe, to remove the shackles or otstegat criminals - before lunatics - to expel evil spirits ("white goddess").

But there is another mention of Bereza.

« In the years 1924-28 in the book "Heart of Asia" Nicholas Roerich wrote that in the Altai elderly Old Believer led them on a rocky hill, and pointing the stone circles of ancient burials, said: "Here and Chud left the ground. Legend tells that once lived on Altai people with darker skin. Chudyu called. Tall, handsome, knowledgeable secret science of the earth. But here was in those places to grow the white birch, which meant that the ancient prediction of imminent arrival here of white people and their king, who set your order. People dug pits, put the rack, piled stones on top and covered entrances .. . Just do not ever gone Chud. When he returned a happy time, and they come people from Belovodye and give all the people of great science, then come again Chud, with all the treasure recovered. And even earlier, in 1913, Nicholas Roerich wrote на эту тему картину "Чудь под землю ушла". («Таинственный народ: чудь» http://paranormal.org.ru/sta.php?wx=81 ).

  Разговор о Березе   актуален   and in the context of current days, because now become an analogy that Boris Yeltsin born in birch and Sergey Sobyanin to Berezovo. Actually, Boris Yeltsin was born in the village of Booths, and Sergei Sobyanin in village Nyaksimvol. « In Translation with the Khanty language name Nyaksimvol means "swamp" or "black spot", but Sobyanin this place was the beginning of a great Career » - so write in Wikipedia.

in the Yeltsin as birch on symbolic coincidence formed most known in Russia failure land, as a symbol of aggressive attitude to mineral resources and neglecting to the norms safe from rampant «the pursuit of profit." may be, again Chud, any backup pull up?

From the standpoint of modern experience and knowledge judge Yeltsin not fair. All we did knew much less.

But «Berezovsky failure» - an image of the economy, born because a Yeltsin-naive faith in tips Western economists and effective managers ...


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