В те же дни, когда в Тюмени наблюдали winter double inverted rainbow, was still celestial ; outbreak that has made night and day: "Living in the Tyumen region, anomalous celestial phenomenon» http://tyumen.rfn.ru/rnews.html?id=56013
«We are inclined the version of the meteorite. Judging from the seismic activity .. Most likely, it was a meteorite, "- says a Tyumen-Kosmopoisk Vitaly Ugreninov ...
phenomenon that we observed, lighting, sound, were not observed. The flash was very bright, which is very quickly damped.
If it is a meteorite, then there is the theme meteor showers and brooms to bozhmi stop "(as they were then called), ; as meteors - this ancient wisdom - Baptist Gods
more important is the trail glow.
Sometimes it is to Fortunately, sometimes to change power, sometimes ..
In Northern District, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets, a year power and changed ...
During meteor showers near July 18 Queen of England thinks Swans, demonstrating so most Gods that all Swans read , are safe and well maintained. This image. But to abide by level rites:
«Lady of the Swan Queen Elizabeth II and Michael Swan Prokhorov » http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=340
In these days of meteor showers lost granddaughter ; English Queen Victoria in Russia Alexander II F. , «Confessor" which was Grigori Rasputin, and Elizabeth F., which died about Verkhoturye where with the image of Nikola Zakamskaya in 16-17 in. came John the Poschehonets from the village Nicholas Berezivka , which was this ; Berezovskaya miraculous icon of St. Nicholas Zakamskaya. There was no so long , this same day 18 July Formidable sign:
«Formidable sign an inheritance Nicholas: The Death of mobile phones and curse Diomede » http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=225
As 13 February, then plan to give him attention
Although, it work somewhere like this:
«On the one hand, 13 of the chain links the sign of the Order of the Swan", on the other hand - under the outspread wings Cygnus - a sign of Our Lady, whose number is 22. Such a "bunch" of characters in the symbol of the Order of the Swan "refers both to the thirteenth constellation Zmeenosets, appeared these days on "the starry sky, what to look for astronomers, and the constellation of Cygnus, at which have since 2009 closely NASA satellite observed ( «New NASA satellite observes the constellation Cygnus» ). »
This of article:" The treasure of the Order of the Swan " with magical inscriptions in Hebrew and with the signet Albrecht - Duke Koenigsberg, Part 2 » http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=529
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