Friday, February 11, 2011

Hobo International Wallet Knock Off

Swans and director of the Political Department of United Russia »

© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistyakova
8 February 2011 , St Petersburg

Full text with illustrations mhtml? Part = 15 & PubID = 538

How was I supposed to - all it into a swan. Even editorial column Alexei Chadayev , head of the Political Department of the Central Executive Committee of the Party "United Russia» called so: « Why the party of black-white swan?» 18/4208 . Ie it's not so much in ballerina Volochkova, as in the image of Cygnus its site

Is party « United Russia » decided fight with ancient symbols , worship which has       более   10 тысяч лет?    


В России             «Образ лебедя»    Children absorb with mother's milk, with children tales. was even a Soviet cartoon «Swans Nepryadva » , dedicated to the 600 th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikov. And understand , it is a symbol of purity, Upland, muse, nobility and does - not a symbol unpredictability, as it is Head of the Political Department ЦИК партии «Единая Россия»   .

              Я веду речь вот   об этом    его   публичном Promise:

«Who do they want to see more in the party - competent but not able to" anneal "on nationwide talk shows pros, or white and "black swans"? In Taleb "black swan" - a metaphor for the unpredictability that causes the crises. This concept, he explains the global financial crisis 2008. Since Volochkova played Odette-Odile in the staging of "Swan Lake", she knows how to be white, and black swan. "

particularly distinguished Mr. Chad opposition to professionals and swans.

Swan - a symbol of higher knowledge. Therefore, for of those, who this knowledge does not possess, is unpredictable all that predictable for symbolic Swan.

I can not understand why Mr. Chadayev , graduated from the State Academy of Slavic Culture » (Gask), which is in long-term cooperation with Jagiellonian University of Krakow in Poland, where very strong birth Gerba Swan, became study swan symbolism by Nasim Taleb . While Nasim Taleb Math e walls in Russia only 2008.

Mythology Swan not Nasim Taleb should be studied. first need to understand Swan, and then interpret «Black Swan Taleb» ...

After the crisis oil prices, wishing deflect responsibility officials , too fell into the rhetoric that nothing predict impossible.


Although now have "admitted to the body ; administrative ресурса»      модно   «моделировать будущее».   А   не предсказывать его   …  


  Не hence whether born reality: all that «not modeled», then unpredictable ?


                «Белая   Россия»


              В    данном случае,   отношение   «Единой   России»    к Lebed - is only a "litmus piece of paper." For A. Chadayev wrote a column in the official status.

Said advance, specifically and publicly. True I'm not sure that all members «Single Russia» support this statement.

Nobody has abolished the prophecy Velyamira Klebnikov: "Russia Swans будущего»

         Привожу ,       в    дополнение   к сказанному   , photos annual ceremony marking Swans on Thames e - Swans Upping. In a way the queen accompanies Royal scribe of swans, a part-time professor of ornithology department of zoology at Oxford University, with his assistants and members of guilds in the traditional scarlet dress in the six special skiffs. Representatives of the Crown and the two guilds go rowing on the Thames, pull out a swan, born in the last year and ring them. At the end of the evening counting the dyers and wine merchants in building one of these two guilds arrange dinner.

Here is the link vintners' guild and swan, just and was based brands of vodka "Swan" and "Russian Goose», famously "the shot" someone powerful hand early 2011 year ("Interview" Banzai ": Three male stereotype of a career woman in Russia» . mhtml? Part = 15 & PubID = 532 ).

  Т.е.   «Лебедь» Волочковой   был не первой   «жертвой».


             Here is also photograph New Zealand dollar in center which portrait of Her Majesty's Queen Elizabeth II. The reverse - color relief image of two white swans (the symbol of eternal love), curved neck, which make up the contour of a stylized heart. Behind the swans depicted heart of rose petals. The inscription at the bottom of the reverse translated as "love is precious." Swans are a symbol of loyalty and devotion. Formed a couple stays together for life, that in a world of animals observed extremely rare.

Dollar released after crisis 2008 as a response to the crisis.

It's all very simple. There Swans - a financial center. No Swans - no financial center.

And not given "administrative resource » Russia to cancel « Laws Swan »

P . S .

By the way, Chaadaev was other General Mikhail Orlov, the signatory act capitulation of Paris. A Orlov son TF Yaroslav

«In June 1831 Mikhail Fedorovich allowed to return to Moscow. The house Shubina he spent eleven months, then changed Several addresses have not yet bought their own house on Prechistenka . Malaya Dmitrovka working on a book on public credit. " One copy his work has presented Mikhail A. Pushkin, with whom he had known since 1817 for membership in the literary society "Arzamas" ... .. who visited the house Shubin in Malaya Dmitrovka? Poet J. Polonsky, recalled: "All the then know all of the Moscow intelligentsia as it clung to the exile Orlov. Russian has been here historian and social activist Timothy Granovsky, Russian thinker Peter Chaadaev, poet and writer Alexei Hamsters. "

SOURCE: "Chekhov Blue Wraps come from one entrance »

then understand each other, and now people with the sonorous in XVIII century names questioned the need that is associated with symbol muse, knowledge, enlightenment and generosity.

Or the thing is that Aleph is not enough ...


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