© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistyakova
11022011, St. Petersburg
Full text with illustrations http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=540
22 February 1722 year birthplace of the famous mason and first governor Yaroslavl province Alexei Petrovich Melgunov, leaving a trail of history significantly greater than many Russian kings (Ramses II about the crisis of Plenty 21 st century: the secrets of the Order 22 FEBRUARY » http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID = 295 ).
«Faith, Law, Mercy - Cornerstones melgunovskogo government. "
He opened treasure Scythian burial mounds, called now «Melgunovskim treasure" Hermitage; he belonged to the draft North-Catherine Canal, connecting the Dvina River and Kama; his name Elagin island called St. Petersburg, earlier - "Melgunovsky; he sold this Island and built House charity Middle, he created humane prison; he «lobbied" Manifesto the destruction of the Secret Office; he saved legitimate heir Brunswick Prince Anton Ulrich of Kholmogory prison and ferrying his beyond Russia to Denmark; he remained loyal to Peter III to most death king , for that fell out of favor; he to sponsor Jewish merchants in the face of David and Lev Bam, which was accompanied by resettlement of Jews from Lithuania in Elisavetgrad province; he was presented near surrounded Queen Elizabeth Petrovna Tsar Peter III , Empress Catherine II and he raised Yaroslavl province «from scratch, that acknowledged by all historians.
This is the most - «C scratch and is feature members «Order 22 February," that prove destiny and achieve Pharaoh Ramses II and George Washington - first president USA ("As America controls the world a sacred number 22: Alexandria-Washington Lodge number 22, and Alexandria Lighthouse » http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=367 )
AP Melgunov - Governor Novorossiysk, Yaroslavsky, Vologda and Arhangelogorodsky united in itself all: power, money, humanity, nobility and enlightenment. Only such combination as known, gives outstanding results. And these results become visible already at his life and urban perspectives Yaroslavl, and in his Temple and in his theater.
no accident at this "strange foundation Melgunov" try our days rebuilding and «perestroika I » and "Perestroika II » … Ошибка в истоке и на старте: А.П. Мельгунов «С НУЛЯ» строил , а не на «чужом фундаменте»!
Masonic Yaroslavl remembers Melgunov. Three years ago in the city celebrated the 285 anniversary from the date of birth First governor province (to 285 anniversary of the birth of the first Governor-General of the Yaroslavl AP Melgunov http://www. anfas-news.ru/news/index.php? ELEMENT_ID = 1328 & SHOWALL_3 = 1 ).
He fact that Yaroslavl, starting with times AP Melgunov , might well be called " Masonic " - on the surface. I named him so in the article: "The descendants of Saint Michael of Chernigov and Fedor: Yaroslav and Zuziny in the Masonic Yaroslavl 18 century» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=485 . Later I saw that similarly, ie it Masonic - called it and Savely Dudakov in his study "The History one myth." Masonic Lodge in Yaroslavl была третьей после Москвы и Казани (!) – это публичный факт.
Один из the most famous portraits AP Melgunov , hands Dmitry Levitsky stored in the Pavlovsk Palace Great Master Malta Order, too says a lot. By also known «Two letters Paul I to AP Melgunov "(1854, № 9, Serebrennikov, Semyon Alekseevich)
second known portrait AP Melgunov hands DM Koreneva (Yaroslavl Art Museum) part of a series of portraits «main Masons » Yaroslavl - donors and sponsors Poorhouse Middle. unusual that it only complete collection of portraits of the Masons, preserved to our days.
Wherever appeared AP Melgunov, it everywhere undertook for printing business. And this, he follower of Francis Skaryna and Albrecht Brandenburg - Duke Königsberg ("Treasure of the Order Swan "with magical inscriptions in Hebrew and with the signet Albrecht - Duke Konigsberg» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=528 )
He created a printing press in onshore gentry case, where he was chief in years of his youth. He organized a printing press in the fortress of St.. Elizabeth, in New Russia. And in Yaroslavl began publishing the first Russian provincial журнал «Уединенный Пошехонец».
Вот это его тяготение к Литве, including protection Lithuanian Jews, for their resettlement in New Russia, I think it is due that «Melgunov - it noble family, originating, according to ancient legends rodoslovtsev, the Lithuanian native Ian Mingaylo that when leaving took the name of Ivan Mingaleva.
Ie roots Alexei Petrovich Melgunov - in Lithuania. When the father Melgunov was vice-governor St. Petersburg, and he AP Melgunov commanded Ingermanlandsky Infantry Regiment . In last time, Petersburg all in more sounds Theme Ingermanlandia . It talking about lands around Ladoga, that Ingigerda Jaroslavova - wife of Yaroslav the Wise received a dowry from her father - the king of Sweden Olaf. And the name Ingria proizroslo on behalf Ingigerda.
Alexei Petrovich Melgunov had wide range friends and this circle friends, apparently, so was conceived, can be identified by ; snuffboxes Ustyug work , which he liked to give those with who wanted to have good relations. Now these snuffbox Ustyug work at Christie's auction have a price 20-30 thousands of dollars.
Статья о них называется « Табакерки не дешевое удовольствие» http://www.pro-finder.ru/spravka/34-31.htm
«... Snuffbox Ustyug wizard F. Buckovski with engraved maps of Moscow on both sides (diameter 8.6 cm) is estimated at $ 20-30 000. April 14 2005 in New York held an auction house Christie's titled "Important silver, objects of Russian art and knick-knacks, which were sold two silver "Map" snuff-nineteenth century. First - Vologda master M. Chulkov was bought for $ 11,400, and the second - the master of the Grand Gilina Ustyug for $ 43,200. A tiny matchbox height of 4, 8 cm, made in the workshop of Fabergé gold, enamel and sapphire master Vigstremom, went for $ 20,000.
Masons ordered snuffbox with special Masonic symbolism. not exclude that snuff boxes from the AP Melgunov could have such characters.
Since assistant AP Melgunov as arhangelogorodskogo Governor was Alex Tikhonovich Yaroslaviv and in Museum MV Lomonosov in of Museum Anthropology and Ethnography them . Peter the Great Sciences stored snuffbox wife Alexei Tikhonovich Jaroslavova - Theodosia Stepanovna Yaroslav, then quite logical to assume that snuffbox her donated AP Melgunov. Museum посвящен великому гражданину Холмогор М.В.Ломоносову. Табакерка , надо понять, имеет ценность. inscription on it says close and trusting relationship ("Yaroslav-Golitsyns secrets of the woodwork in the Archangel» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main . mhtml? Part = 6 & PubID = 371 ) ...
There and additional indicate that A. T. Yaroslaviv could enter one of the Masonic lodges. He was captain of the ship "Gogland» , which is based in Kronstadt, and is mentioned in the Semenovski Regiment ("The Catacomb Rus: estates, estates, mansions and memorable places of Yaroslav, XV-XXI century » http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=539 ).
Besides отцом мужа М.М.Ярославовой - Черевиной был Черевин Иван Григорьевич - контр-адмирал, член Адмиралтейств-коллегии, perform one time the post of captain of the port of Kronstadt ... Later Cherevin was promoted to Captain-Commander and appointed chief commander of the Arkhangelsk port. Later - director of the St. Petersburg Admiralty office. Father same MM Yaroslav - MI Yaroslaviv also served in the Semenov regiment.
Here « AN Pypin believed that only in 1717, Peter I brought back from his travels status of the Masonic Lodge, which was then founded in Kronstadt.
Besides «special category in the Masonic lodges were sailors. T. Sokolovskaya gives a list of members of Masonic Lodge Neptune in Kronstadt (1781), among them - names of famous admirals, AG Sviridov, and S. K. Greig, as well as the future Admiral Shishkov.
Finally, on the testimony of M. Olsufyeva, members of the Masonic lodges comprised: three princes Golitsyn, Prince S. Meshchersky, RI Vorontsov, Sumarokov writer and historian Igor Boltin, founder of the Russian theater Volkov, camera-page Peterson, officers of the Guards regiments (the Transfiguration and Semenovsky) ... » - that I quoted Savely Dudakova -« History of a Myth. "
There is only one thing - "But», A. T. Yaroslaviv not attend theaters religious considerations, it is clear from ; his Diary notes on which established research of Theater life Vologda. However regulars theaters were his wife and daughter. Later, story kind Jaroslavovo was directly related to Yaroslavl Theater. Volkova, in whose development many invested AP Melgunov (« Yaroslavl: Yaroslav artists, Kostroma Volkovs from Kudeyar and Volkov (Andropov) http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID = 384 ).
In fact, if Freemasonry AP Melgunov was founded early Christianity, and the this is an indication as he supported Believers, then views A. T. Jaroslavova , as times fully compatible with ideas return to the primary source, the Bible.
In the book "Russian intellectuals and Freemasonry, by Peter I to the present day » (VF Ivanov), outlines already a circle familiar AP Melgunov.
«Almost half MPs belonged to the nobility in its composition to the highest civil and military officials, but just as they are especially noticeable among Masons. As the deputies were PI Panin, AP Melgunov Count RL Vorontsov (elected on two districts), VA Vsevolozhsk, DV Volkov, Count Grigory Orlov, Count 3. G. and I. Chernyshev, IL Golenishchev-Kutuzov, IP Elagin, AI Bibikov, Prince MM Sherbatov, Count Stroganov .... By the end of 1770-ies - Vernadsky wrote, - left, probably a few noble families who have would not have to lodge a close relative. "
First wife AP Melgunov was Lermant Margarita Parmenovna. Lermant - because in those years was said surname Lermontov. story on this is in film «Letters from the province "a series of portraits Yaroslav-Cherevin found in the estate Nero (Soligalich findings). At one of these portraits shows little girl Lermant, of family Lermantov , who lived in a nearby farm.
Continued at the link http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=540
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