Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Difference Between Navamansa Kundali

geopolitical" Rasputinizatsiya "Tyumen and Moscow or" Who lifts up the hem of the nation? », 2-5

© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistyakova
30 January - 6 February 2011, St. Petersburg

Full text illustrated by reference http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=17&PubID=537

Part first http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=534

Me in St. Petersburg like one blessed near the temple. I'm actually on it and go. He eyes are in heaven, as Russia. They want to dissolve. Feeling as though you're sitting on a heavenly boat and swim to waves Sea serenity ... I would like to extend this infinity, pressed at the moment, but I know - not. He is as naive as our hearted Russ. Seraphim knew hazard look into the eyes laity and omit them. This Blessed knows. He whole "eyes wide open» ...

But there are other eyes. say about them: not each can withstand the sight Kagan. It Black well to nowhere .... I think that they can not look also because, there - ; abyss of hell.

What eyes were at Rasputin? I see look askance. According to the descriptions he had strange hilly walleye. And it only on this one, his view is not drew to his admiring gaze . Topics Still, he was, he was there, and he became a phenomenon, "glorified» Tyumen Region.

Therefore and remains question, what same Russian naively and royal naivete "bathed» ; ascending Rasputin.

Most articles of Verhoturie, where Gregory asked blessings have Nicholas, stereotyped copy one same story about the monk Jonah Poshehontse and reproduce the same question that sounds about since:

«first page stories Verkhotursk Nicholas convent full of white spots. Who was the black pop Jonah, as he appeared in the Urals? In a historic document in 1620 he was named "Jonah Poshehontsem, but it is the only testimony about where he lived before. "

Next express hypothesis that, generally, completed sad conclusion about this content: answer to this question not find destined.

Well, from what well ... If the researchers wondered, for example, this question: «Why king Boris Godunov without delay satisfied request some "black Booty» Enoch Poshehontsa, then this history would see them differently.

Let me draw your attention that of relics Simeon Verkhotursk, in years life Boris Godunov , speech be not could. After Simeon born long after these events.

Consequently, a monk of Iona Poshehonets also as king, Boris Godunov, who knew something such, that assistance was provided unconditionally ..

On what, in this case, reacted king Godunov? At unusual Nicole? On place chosen for the monastery? Or on real name Enoch Poshehontsa?

Ie had think about, what icons in end XVI century went eastward. Also about where those images appeared to Verkhoturye. Additional indication are also name limits. Also information about those who man dwelt later years near Nicholas temple.

Location these people, and what they were origin. Such information indicates geographic communications, as well as the fact of what birth is preserved legends of Verkhoturye. For example, Simeon Verkhotursky was noble, but its origins hide ...

I am sure that the answers to some of of these issues knew Rasputin, because in 1892 he worked in the monastery as a pilgrim, ie he could lure in idle conversation not only to beginners, but and communicate with the elders. Not accidentally, This Nicholas Monastery, in Verkhoturye he received letter of recommendation, which went Neva Lavra.

Actually communicate worldly person with to beginners, and with priests, without special permission not.

When Ignatius Brianchaninov checked Valaam cloister, it paid special attention to the fact that worldly «lure adjective in monasteries conversations злыми. Эти беседы с людьми невежественными, глупыми и мирскими несут большой вред ... Они its discouragement and frustration poured into soul monks ... In addition, Brianchaninov noted that some hierodeacon person as a hard "and have would send about to those who have general them streak.

This reference Brianchaninov of "hard faces" some hierodeacon, In my opinion, as not better characterizes Rasputin, or now would say "the image of Rasputin .

Around the same wrote in XVII century and about Tyumen diocese.

«Patriarch Filaret ... sent letter dated February 11, 1622 Mr. . and in it he wrote: "We learned ... that in the Siberian cities of many servicemen and The local people do not live in a Christian ... and on their nasty lusts ... Many servicemen people lay their wives for money of his own brothers for lascivious life and the poor widows and virgins forced to take to themselves .. And the priests of Siberian cities so thieves do not prohibit, on the contrary, the prayers they are doing and they were not crowned by the law ... In the men's convents and old men and old women live with worldly people and did not differ from them. Other servicemen people brought in from Moscow, many zhenok and girls, keep at his wife ... » (Makarov « Istria Russian Church »)

Here are have mores. Many of them, seems, survived not only to Grishka times, but to this day ...

relation to Nicole Miracle Worker in common people was difficult. On the one hand, naive belief in miracles, on the other hand - a lack of faith - in that case, if it does not maintained constant miracles. Although true then miracles just must be kept в тайне, согласно «Египетскому скиту».

  Так   или иначе,    мирянин Григорий Распутин   что-то    разведал в    Nikolsky monastery in Verkhoturye. Competition there he no for intelligence was not. Perhaps of loneliness, long northern nights, monks something Rasputin and was told that he has invested «in ear queen. "

Gregory was certainly curious, and he had a religious thirst.

If would similar same curiosity expressed by those who today wrote an article about Verhoturie, then ; field their view, almost certainly, would have found this information here:

«In the scribes copy of the book in 1596, drawn from the earth the inhabitants of Novo-Nikolsky village and kept in the church s.Berezovki mentions that here in the chapel two miles worth of black pop-sacred monk Jonah Poshehontsa and Elder Arseny Mezentsev and that they are building a monastery in honor of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and St.. Whereupon and Savvatii, Solovki miracle workers .... " («In Sarapul held godfather course » http://sarapul.ru/cgi-bin/topics.cgi?op=view_topic; cat = society; id = 1994 )

this monastery, a monk built Poshehontsem and Arseniy Mezentsev near St. Nicholas Church - cave. This is important. mentioned this article « Secret of the last bang of the Decree of Prince Yaroslav the Pskov Obolensky - the ancestor of the princes of Yaroslav» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15 & PubID = 52 ).

described this cave monastery since: «July 8, 1910 Great Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna arrived in the village of St. Nicholas Beryozovka ... Duchess visited in Nicolo - Berezovka "trehprestolny temple, which was placed in a large cave, which serves base being built at that time a large church .... "

Ie caves are in the village, whence came list Nikolskaya icon - in Verkhoturye, were similar Pskov caves, and Pskov - similar Kiev-Pechersk:

«Pskov Caves Monastery was founded on the spot" of God fabricated caves, which were found under the roots of a fallen tree. "From ancient tradition known that have lived in this place come from the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, fled to Pskov limits because of the numerous raids of the Crimean Tatars.

How see, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna particularly interested in the cave church, or - catacomb. Maybe she looking for the very « Russian True Orthodox Church" or otherwise "Catacomb Church" which now with great attention watching the patriarch Cyril?

But in this case, it would go to Ukraine, rather than in Siberia, not the Kama and Verkhoturye.

gravitated Great Princess also to the monasteries, which guided Charter Fedosy Caves and Sergius Radonezh. At these statutes pointed St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, when he investigated Magnificat split and prohibited invent their own monastic rule. also Brianchaninov .... Advised to seek bogovdohnovlennyh mentors, citing the early Fathers: Fathers is separated from Christ for thousands of years, offer to read writing, instead of the elders, because inspired elders had almost no.

This position St. Ignatius Brianchaninov somewhat close to position Protestantism, not too recognizing priests and addressable believers - directly to the Bible.

You can see the analogy and with Old Believers bespopovtsami, что отчасти     сближает их со старообрядцами     РПЦЗ и    протестантами.  

  Однако    и   древние Primary sources can be read correctly only one, who acquire the Holy Spirit .

Ie refusal of the priests and treatment to the sources do not protect against great errors. That for this reason Ignatius Brianchaninov elaborates: "The Holy Bible does not give to beginners. Only the New Testament! And from the Old Testament only Psalter. not give to beginners book Philokalia as having one goal: the sacred sobriety and smart prayer. "

Ie St. warned from being able to give similar books untrained mind, because they can be read wrong and significantly distorted.

Probably, it happened Rasputin, who mustered «aurally» knowledge, but could not their true comprehend.

hard suggest that the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna went to Verhoturie to learn origins «secret knowledge "Rasputin. However not exclude, that one of the goals - was to find out and of it.

If look route pilgrimage Great Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna in 1914 year, it turns out что он был таков ...


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