© Natalia Jaroslavova-Chistjakova
On January, 19-21th, 2011 St.-Petersburg
Part the first http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=528
The full text with illustrations under the reference
«... Kvitus has told» - such is one of the main inscriptions on a ring of a treasure of Albrecht Brandenburgsky found in Kyonigsberge. «Kvintus in translation from Latin - the Fifth» - so the doctor of historical sciences V.Kulakov makes comments on this inscription, whose expedition has made this discovery. Here again repeatedly there is a theme of number "Five" as on one of the parties of an amulet of a treasure there is an image of a five-pointed star what it is possible to judge on photos аверса (face sheet) and a backspacing of this amulet where there is a star with six beams.
The most interesting is combination of five-pointed and six-final stars, as «two parties of one medal», as two inseparable "qualities", as the same - "Paired relationship" on which do accents «pair subjects» a treasure of different metals.
Similar combination I see and in the sign «Swan Award» Duke Kyonigsberga Albrecht Brandenburg was which member.
On the one hand, 13 links of a chain of a sign «Swan Award», on the other hand - under open wings of the Swan - a sign on the Mother of god which number is 22. Such "sheaf" of symbols in a sign «Swan Award» specifies simultaneously and in the Thirteenth constellation of Zmeenosets which have appeared these days on «a star sky», on what astronomers pay attention, and on Swan constellation of which since 2009 attentively observes NASA companion («the New companion of NASA observes of Swan constellation» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=315 ).
On celestial maps Constellation «the Snake – Ofiukus» is represented in the form of the person, a holding Dragon ». Visually, this constellation of Dragon Serpens, its body is divided on two parts: Head Serpens Caput and Tail Serpens Cauda. Thus, the theme"divided"the Head and the Tail which should incorporate« 13 link », is present and in this case.
There is an ancient "Masonic" engraving with the image of the Swan and «the Person twisted with snakes», going down from heavens. In it an essence of a prophecy on times of occurrence of two these constellations, on visible to mankind the star sky. Points of their "departure" - two six-final stars. Point of "appointment" the Tower which scientists-symbolists, consider as "sign" on the Mother of god. Such octahedral tower is in the lock «the Swan White» in Mezhbezh on Bug and in the Royal castle of Kyonigsberga. With 1891 at its basis the monument of work of Fridriha Rojsha to last master of the Teutonic Award, to the great Prussian reformer to duke Albrecht Brandenburgsky has settled down. The lock that is important, has Eight gate, but thus to drive in it it is possible only through one, called «Albrecht's Collars». Nevertheless, keys from eight gate are protected by the Cat of this lock with whom the legends are connected.
The image described above an engraving of "masons" was resulted by me in articles about the archangel of Knowledge - Uriile. And it too - the Fifth. And, perhaps, that Kvinus who Has told
Conversation on archangel Uriile is important also because one of elements «Albrecht's ring» visually reminds «the Hieroglyphic Monad» - a symbol which has offered Atanazius Kirher and John Di in the treatise of 16th century "About creation of magic language of symbols" has developed.
The symbol figure is based on the Egyptian cross анхе and contains images of seven alchemical planets/metals: a sign овна ; a cross representing four basic elements; a sun sign; a lunar half moon ».
The well-known English mystic John Di who has created these «the Hieroglyphic Monad», lived during Albrecht Brandenburgsky's epoch. It was the Protestant, was plunged to persecutions into England at the time of fanatical Catholic Maria Tudor and forcedly, at the time of disgrace, traveled across Europe.
Considering that fact that the Duchy Kyonigsberg was the first Protestant state in Europe, it is difficult to present that Albrecht Brandenburgsky and John Di weren't familiar. Besides, both of them are the well-known Scribes.
…. And so, many secrets have been dictated to "the Great Wizard» to John Di by a certain supernatural being with which the well-known English mystic and which named itself a name of Uriil communicated. And as John Di that admits everything, has created the concept «Architecture of British Empire» the question on the power and «magic language of symbols», presented on Albrecht Brandenburgsky's ring, are indissoluble paired relationship.
Within several centuries Gorod Kyonigsberg, was formed conceptually by the same principle «13 – the Swan-22» on which the sign «Swan Award» is created.
Modern inhabitants of Kyonigsberga identify the city, mainly, with number 13, believing, what exactly mysticism of a city in this number 13 is put. However, as to love to 13 here, seemingly, one investigation trails other investigation. I mean confidential laboratory «Kenigsberg 13» the Third Reich to the official address of Kenigsberg-13 and historical club «Kenigsberg 13» which operates in this city now.
Actually, city history has begun with «the Solar myth», in particular, from the astronomical phenomenon of the Solar eclipse which play large role in destiny of everything, so-called, «Solar princes».
On a legend about the basis of Kyonigsberga in 1255 Ottokar of II Przhemysl the king of Bohemia (Czechia) and the duke of Austria which sculpture is established nowadays on Royal collars of Kyonigsberga over the arms of Bohemia, together with knights has gone to a site of ancient settlement of Tvangste. On road Knights suited a halt on a grief, on a place of an ancient pagan sanctuary. Here in these hours of a halt, there was the solar eclipse apprehended by heads of the Award as the Divine sign.
Chroniclers consider as solar or Solar princes descendants of Svjatoslava of II Jaroslavicha, the prince Chernigov and the grand duke Kiev which Michael Chernigovsky's descendants concern also. ….
Already after the described events, the second spouse of founder Kyonigsberga - Ottokara of II Przhemysla became Kunigunda Rostislavna - daughter Rostislava Mihajlovicha, the prince Galitsky and Chernigov. Their children are descendants on a female line of the Chernigov princely house. Women of this branch - from Ottokara II and Kunigundy, as a matter of fact them, - княжны Jaroslavny.
If to speak, as a whole, about mythology of "Solar princes», that Solar is Loengrin – a Swan, which second name of Gelios (Элиас) that in transfer – the Sun. And so far as, all history of Kyonigsberga and the treasure of the Master of the Teutonic award of Albrecht Brandenburgsky found in it is connected with knights and crusaders, it is necessary to mention and descendant Loengrina - Solar Knight Godfrida Bulonsky (Godefroi de Bouillon), one of leaders of 1st crusade.
On frescos of 15 centuries Godfrid Bulonsky was represented in a blossoming wreath. The similar image in Russia represented Jaruna (Jara, Jarila). Such wreaths are a symbol of month of blossoming buds and not burning spring sun. In a Torah it is called as Ijar – Month of Light. We know it, as May or as a sign on a Taurus (Bull).
«The soft sun» - Ijar (the beams of the rigid sun "refracted" by the moon) in heraldry, on frescos, bas-reliefs and so forth it was represented as «Moon and Sun marriage» or as «the Sun disk between horns of the Bull» … In Italy, on doors of abbey of St. Klimenta in Kizaurii are the similar: a star with a half moon and a cross with a half moon (1190). Same the cross with a half moon is on a wall of the Sinai monastery of St. Ekaterina. The image concerns VI century of our era, i.e. it is created to crusades.
The number of beams changes, for example, on the arms of a knee of Issahar, on the Polish arms of Leliva, and on the arms of noblemen of Jaroslavovyh – their six, but the essence remains one: «Bright Light», softened with the Moon.
All it, certainly, is known to Vatican. And it is possible, it is not casual about «the Swan Award» there was a rumor concerning professed in it of "secret Catholicism». ….
To me it is thought that «the Polish Fathers» in Vatican, especially Pope John Pavel II who has devoted all life to the Fatimsky prophecy on the Heavenly Mother of god, - are the certificate of a certain exclusive role of Poland in all this history. And John Pavel II special worship of the Vilensky Ostrobramsky Mother of god in two crowns and, thus, - with the Moon and the Sun, concerns a theme «Poland – Vatican». («The Woman of the XXI-st century: the Great alchemist of Great men or a conductor in personal"Golden Age" http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=17&PubID=16 ).
After all in national consciousness of Poland the idea according to which the Latin belief is, actually, - the Polish belief dominated. And in article about the Vilensky Ostrobramsky Mother of god I mentioned history how certain « ополяченная the peasant-Lithuanian, opposing that Bozhija Mater the Jew - instead of the Pole, has answered:« Yes, see, it has accepted our Polish belief "("the Vilensky Virgin with the Moon and the Sun and« the Great queen »Michel де Notr of Ladies» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=16&PubID=487 )
And can be, the Lithuanian is just right ополяченная ?
And the Vilensky Mother of god in two crowns, with the Moon and the Sun, also I will pay attention - without the baby on hands, has the Priority over Vatican!
…. I Will remind that Albrecht Brandenburgsky swore Poland in Krakow, in 1525 on the Gospel (!) when the Teutonic award was transformed to duchy Kyonigsberg.
In a crown Sacred Ekaterina buried on Sinai and known Sinai monastery of Sacred Ekaterina is represented also.
Here, on Sinai, Moisej has received the Divine precepts. At this Moiseja name still «Born of water». Of the Power birth, in particular, Crowns from water are reminded also by the arms of Kyonigsberga, with its crown appearing from water.
In «the Shtadensky annals» Yaroslav the Wise, the son of the Ode, is named by "Varteslavom". In Latin anonymous «Stories of Norway», Yaroslav is named «Warerlafus» or even «Rex warerlafus» («Where Sofia has left: Яр ,« Jarlov the Renaissance »and Yaroslav the Wise House» http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=396
This name «Rex warerlafus» is meant by "the King born from water». «Warerlafus» - «Born in Glory from Water», and the Glory is a special kind of Light.
Continuation under the reference under the reference http://www.yaroslavova.ru/main.mhtml?Part=15&PubID=529
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