am Sa is then as already announced, not much happened. Since I no longer had money and wanted me to take off on the last day no more 10,000 yen - less cash machines do not give her - I was out in Asakusa not been back on the road. Well I found out that there is a department store in Asakusa - the building had always thought of a hotel.
Then the next day it was so far - the Home was in order. After the last rest was packed up we checked out - this time we had done it even before 11h something (because you had to check out the latest).
went by train it then to Narita - Airport. After a little incident where we have entered a wrong train - a nice older Japanese told us happily that he does not drive train to Narita - has probably seen in our cases where we want to go - we arrived at the airport.
There have we first have to wait - until our check - was occupied in counter. Then check in then we have even two boarding passes - that is for the flight from Tokyo to Shanghai and from Shanghai to Frankfurt - which was very convenient. In addition, each got a sticker on the Trans-China service stand - this one should stick visible in Shanghai on the front of the shoulder, so that officials see as the same, that is only a transit passenger and is not in China . Even our case were given a "Taranschina Service" sign.
The short Flight was then quite unspectacular - the only notable case only the sweet baby's with his mother and - we suspect - Grandpa and me sitting next to Anna on the other side of the aisle .
Arrived in Shanghai, we then have another day - and get visa. And this time we have even used the airport to leave - well, actually only the building on the site we were still.
The others were still eating some and then we have the Way to our gate made. At Gate 12 - this based on our boarding passes - arrived, we were there it was for "domestic flights" - and as Frankfurt in China is not just "national", we have a bit surprised. But then have our boarding passes to the official at the entrance gate shown - they would know if we are wrong. And indeed they knew it - however much it first on her when she had looked at my card and everyone else has been let go by. Unfortunately, they did not know where we were out otherwise. Lets say for China Eastern Airline check-in counters and which declares that on the cards at the gate a mistake - and nachkurzem phone call - one had told us that we need to Gate 15. We as to Gate 15, presented our boarding passes and there - perhaps you can imagine it - was explained to us that we need to gate 12 (as indeed so on the boarding pass). So we said, the gate 12 for national flights and we were sent here. After a short - for us, of course, incomprehensible - Conversation between the card check-wife and another official were applied to-follow us the card-check woman - which we did good. She led us back to China Eastern Airlines - switch - more precisely it to a service switch. To get there - to learn that we really have to Gate 15 - - Andreas officially on the map was then improved even with pen - and we wonder if we had not already done better themselves and one would have believed us as equal. So we went back to 15th Gate On the way we would then by a Chinese couple - that lives in Germany and probably just on vacation home was - discussed whether we take part with their hand luggage through the gate entrance. There was in fact, before some people - probably where a lot of great things or had - weighed the cabin and they were there for 2 kg over the authorized person - come limit. Since we have when we were first through the gate were not checked - we are doing exactly that - and this time we were without weight control and the couple does not again checked.
was renewed after hours of waiting time then come - Bording Time. When we up by the output of gate 15, and down the stairs to the gangways - a woman below was said to us that we need to gate 12. We of course thought "Oh great first they let us up 2 times out of Gate 12 to 15 and then run back and lower back from 15 to 12 Well one day we were finally arrived at our Fugzeug. The state will still - after actual Abfugzeit - on for about 1 hour around. Even the first meal was served still on the ground - was funny then - because the problem was solved, why could not we start, well then - in a rush, the trays cleared - for Takeoff yes, the tables would have to be up - and those that have not finished the meal was simply taken away. - Andres has then after landing, says that with them (Erik, and he sat on the opposite side of the plane) is a man his food had been hidden under the seat, after he saw that the other is removed have had.
is also on this flight is not really what happened. I also have most of the time verdösst - sometimes even just slept - which was not actually on the flight.
What was something stupid that this time they are "fed" is not so much we had on the flight. There were only 2 times instead of 3-times meal and in between had been time for ages.
Finally, we are 20 minutes late - which when you consider that we have a hour are started late, was very good - landed at the Frankfurt International Airport.
As in most of our pilots were Chinese - was then the queue for the switch - where you had to show his passport - for "EU citizens" not very long - more precisely, there was no queue at the switch. When we were greeted by a show passports when on official motivated - I was just hoping that Customs would also not be too motivated Sun We had considered in Japan, namely, whether the tariff to 6 hours in the morning at all already there and if so would that then hopefully he does not yet - because he only just starting the operation had - to be totally motivated and would each control. But when we went to pick up the suitcase through customs - which we have not even considered.
Because Anna, Erik and I now had to Terminal 1 - where my mother was waiting for us - and Andreas to the S-Bahn station, we parted now - and both "groups" followed their respective signs. We had to because we work with the Skyliner - the internal airport train - had to go - but were somewhat surprised by the sudden Andres was on the train, although he had gone down in a completely different direction than we are. Us, but then remembered that the station at Terminal 1 is also yes - why is the people who go to the station, but sends a very different path than the Skyliner to the Terminal 1 do - I know so far not yet .
arrived at Terminal 1, we were greeted by my mother and it went towards parking and train station - which was the first time both in the same direction.
was arrived at car all loaded and it went on for Erik to be home, to deliver him and Anna.
back to our home first then I have my bags unpacked and presented my achievements.
I had the time change has not completely overcome - is then so I was dead tired from 18h - well after Tokyo time it would have already 1am. I've still to watch anime for 5 hours kept alive - was at 23h (local time) only to bed and get up to normal next morning around 9 or 10, to return tobe somewhat in the "normal" time-rhythm. Now, from the 9 or 10 was finally 7.30 - well, I had already feared to 3 hours to wake up because it would be for me then 9am - but that was out well .
what then was a little absurd - or if one's just not really more understandable - since 8 am this morning I'm hungry for rice - is probably so because I was 3 weeks had breakfast almost every morning a rice ball had.
A few minutes - after me Jouguhrt - could provide not satisfied - - what I had in Japan usually eaten first I have this desire gave me then and it just boiled a pot of rice on the stove.
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